DeSantis slams DEI; Daily Signal quotes CJV

In an article about the address by Ron DeSantis to the Moms for Liberty’s Joyful Warriors National Summit, held in Philadelpia this past weekend, writer Tony Kinnett of The Daily Signal cited CJV’s Managing Director, Rabbi Yaakov Menken: Rabbi Yaakov Menken,...
JNS Asks CJV to Weigh in on SCOTUS Ruling in Groff v DeJoy

JNS Asks CJV to Weigh in on SCOTUS Ruling in Groff v DeJoy

by the Jewish News Syndicate The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 in favor of the evangelical postal worker Gerald Groff in Groff v DeJoy on June 29. Associate Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the court’s opinion, clarified that employers must accommodate employees’...

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