by CJV | Jul 6, 2022 | Press Releases, Religious Liberty
Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) representing over 2,000 traditional Orthodox rabbis in matters of public policy, hosted a roundtable discussion this week on new paradigms to fight antisemitism, as a civil society event alongside the International Ministerial...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Jun 26, 2022 | Op-Eds, Family Values
What is celebrated as “Pride” Month should not be allowed to pass without injecting a small dose of reality into the bacchanalia. Despite the merriment, the relentless adoration of the media, the parades and the provocations, the conduct of the “Pride” community...
by CJV | Jun 24, 2022 | Press Releases, Family Values
Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 rabbis in matters of American public policy, today welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade. The organization made the following statement: Judaism regards all human life as sacred,...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | May 25, 2022 | Op-Eds, Family Values
by Rabbi Dov Fischer, The American Spectator A week or so ago, some leftist organizations, nominally “Jewish,” held a demonstration advocating for abortion on demand. Surely, our First Amendment encourages people to rally, associate publicly, and state their positions...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | May 22, 2022 | Op-Eds, Human Rights
by Rabbi Dov Fischer, The American Spectator It is rather a challenging time these days for committed, devoted Jewish college students on liberal campuses. They don’t know how to fight, only to defend and whine, and their life experiences in being “nice” have left...
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken | May 11, 2022 | Op-Eds, Family Values
by Rabbi Yaakov Menken in Mid-Atlantic Media’s Baltimore Jewish Times, Washington Jewish Times, and Philadelphia Jewish Exponent A great deal of misinformation has been shared regarding abortion, much of it coming, of course, in the wake of a leaked draft from...