by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Nov 2, 2023 | Op-Eds, Family Values
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator We all know that the colleges turn good Christian and Jewish children from good homes with good values and love of G-d and country into America-hating G-dless woke progressives. They come home for Thanksgiving and...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Oct 31, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator I told it to my four-year-old kids, then when they were seven and nine and fourteen and eighteen and twenty-plus. It was a mantra that my Dad, of blessed memory, told me: “Life is not a bowl of cherries. So stop whining!”...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Oct 30, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Israel National News There is no more unctuous lament being heard today across the world than that of the fate of the so-called “innocent civilians” of Gaza. Indeed, those lamenting the loudest – including some members of the United...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Oct 18, 2023 | Op-Eds, Human Rights
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator A guy stops his friend and relates excitedly: “Did you hear about Harvey? His wife just drove his brand-new Tesla into a swamp!” The friend responds: “First, it wasn’t Harvey. It was Frank. Second, it wasn’t his wife. It...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Oct 17, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Israel National News We have learned that it is miraculously easy to put aside all the discord and strife in Israeli society; a ruthless enemy enables us to prioritize our common heritage, fate, and destiny. But we have also learned...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Oct 13, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator Isn’t it heartwarming that the world loves dead Jews so much? I almost feel guilty for getting that lung transplant. It pains me that I deprived so many members of Black Lives Matter — may they all be damned by G-d...