by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 21, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in the Israel National News First things first: Ignore the criticisms expressed by Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Blinken, Canada, France, etc. None of them matters. They say what they have to say for their own purposes, to keep Arabs from...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 17, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator First things first. When I was a little boy studying at yeshiva elementary school (Jewish parochial school), I had a first-grade English teacher who was first grade, Mrs. Sherman. Yes, Missus Sherman. She taught me two...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 17, 2023 | Op-Eds, Human Rights
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator Some people, even anti-Semites, almost ridiculously go out of their way to get medically treated by Jewish doctors or legally represented by Jewish attorneys. Not having any other leads or referrals, especially if...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 13, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator I have not watched the Super Bowl (or NFL league play) for years, ever since Colin Kaepernick and his cohort of stooges and ingrates persuaded me that I despise too many of those overpaid, undereducated lunks to care. I...
by Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer | Mar 9, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Avrohom Gordimer in Yated Ne’eman Each of us seems to feel that he has a pretty solid grasp on the pulse of the frum community, be it in terms of levels of shemiras hamitzvos, attitudes, political outlook, and so forth. We typically feel this way about our...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 5, 2023 | Religious Liberty, Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The Ohio Star It never stops getting worse, does it? Just when you think the progressive Left has torpedoed our culture and country to rock bottom, a new hitherto-inconceivable outrage explodes. Until the Trump years, the law-abiding...