by Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer | Mar 9, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Avrohom Gordimer in Yated Ne’eman Each of us seems to feel that he has a pretty solid grasp on the pulse of the frum community, be it in terms of levels of shemiras hamitzvos, attitudes, political outlook, and so forth. We typically feel this way about our...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Mar 5, 2023 | Religious Liberty, Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The Ohio Star It never stops getting worse, does it? Just when you think the progressive Left has torpedoed our culture and country to rock bottom, a new hitherto-inconceivable outrage explodes. Until the Trump years, the law-abiding...
by Rabbi Dov Fischer | Feb 17, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator OK with you, the reader, if I have a different take on the Tyre Nichols killing in Memphis? First, for the record: the guy sustained a criminally wrongful death, and the family should sue and collect a bundle from that...
by Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld | Feb 15, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld in the Queens Jewish Link Last week, the local Jewish media carried the story of a very prominent Upper East Side (Manhattan) Orthodox synagogue and its falling out with its leading candidate to succeed the current rabbi, who is 92 years old....
by CJV | Feb 2, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in JNS. The left-leaning Israeli media is disseminating news articles transmitting the discontent of American Jewish leaders with the new Israeli government and the policies it wishes to implement. A good example of this genre is the...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Jan 26, 2023 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Israel National News Did the Supreme Court disqualify Aryeh Deri from serving as a minister because the justices genuinely believed that his multiple criminal convictions rendered him unfit to serve in high office? Or did the Court...