Letters & Statements
Coalition Letter Backing Recovery Support for Religious Organizations
Families, nonprofits, and houses of worship are central to the COVID-19 relief for their communities every day and they remain in need of additional recovery support.
CJV Joins Amicus Brief in Small v. Memphis Light, Gas & Water
This important religious liberty case would ensure that employers be required to make reasonable accommodation of an employee’s religious needs, e.g. to not require work on the Sabbath.
Letter to California State Board of Education President from 88 Organizations
CAs Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum sought to indoctrinate rather than educate. School board members asked to vote on the resolution are not informed about the enormous outpouring of criticism it engendered or that a CDE process is well underway for the curriculum’s redesign.
Amicus brief in Fulton v. Philadelphia
Philadelphia requires that faith-based agencies abandon the field of caring for children, or abandon some of the very beliefs about faith, family, and ministry that motivate them to serve and which make those organizations uniquely effective. That choice infringes on religious exercise. And either option will visit devastating consequences on society’s most vulnerable children and the families who are eager to give them stable homes.
Coalition Letter on Supporting Houses of Worship and other Nonprofits
We believe the following policies will be critical to the health of congregations and the faith-based nonprofits and the communities they serve, and ask they be included in future legislation. Covers refining the CARES Act and PPP Loan and Loan Forgiveness process.
Amicus Curiae in NYS vs HHS
The Jewish people have paid a staggering price for the right to practice their religion. Having suffered a long history of anti-Semitic persecution and discrimination, Jews understand that the words “religious liberty” must not be allowed to devolve into a meaningless catch phrase.
Letter Seeking Protection for Houses of Worship as they Re-Open after COVID-19
First Liberty Institute gave CJV prominent billing on this letter (see p. 6), demonstrating that not only churches are affected. Rabbinic Ambassador Yaakov Rich of Cong. Toras Chaim of Dallas also signed.
Amicus Curiae Supporting The Little Sisters of the Poor
We learned that it may be worthwhile to know who else has joined a particular Amicus Curiae brief before agreeing to participate. But it is certain that we presented a suitably diverse group of signatories to demonstrate that our concern is global across all religious boundaries.
Letter in Support of Rep. Rob Wittman’s HR 5651, the Adoption Information Act
The Adoption Information Act should not be controversial or tied to the debate regarding abortion itself. It merely informs those seeking family planning services that adoption centers are available should a woman choose to carry her baby to term. As there are more parents seeking infant adoption than infants waiting to be adopted, requiring that women be notified merely increases the likelihood of a win/win/win result for all three parties involved.
Supporting Equal Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in Federal Programs
The CJV filed public comment today in support of nine separate proposed rules at different government agencies, all aimed at implementing the President’s Executive Order which created the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative.