Letters & Statements
Coalition Letter Opposing Selective Service Registration for Women
The Commission’s superficial notions of equity and the expansion of the Selective Service will only create new problems.
Coalition Letter Opposing Harassment of Healthcare Providers
To suppress discussion of the data violates both the principle of scientific inquiry, and also of constitutionally protected free speech.
CJV Files Amicus in Klein v. Oregon Bureau of Labor for Religious Freedom
In Employment Division v. Smith, the Court effectively eliminated the constitutional right to exercise religion and broke our nation’s commitment to religious freedom.
CJV Rejects Rule Imposing “Gender-Affirming” Requirements on Doctors & Nurses
The rule would force every doctor, nurse, and healthcare provider in America to make an impossible choice: ignore your religion and conscience, or give up your career. Meanwhile, it would facilitate unlimited feticide, abortion at any time, and permanent damage to physically healthy people, including children.
Letter to Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman of Yeshiva University Commending Principled Rejection of “Pride” Alliance
There are those intent upon changing Torah precepts to suit their personal desires, and who even call it ‘immoral’ to uphold Torah values. To oppose this trend is unquestionably what the Torah expects of us.
Amicus Curiae Supporting Religious Accomodation in Groff v. DeJoy, Postmaster General
Changes in American society and in the understanding of the Establishment Clause justify rejection and repudiation today of a legal rule that perpetrates great injustice and harm.
Coalition Letter to Gov. Newsom to Veto SB 107
SB 107 strips parents of their rights and authority, calling them bigots for opposing the mutilation of minors.
Amicus in Young Israel of Tampa v. Hillsborough Area Regional Transit
HART rejected an ad from Young Israel synagogue because it promotes a religious organization.
Amicus in Thai Meditation v. Mobile, Alabama
The district court’s interpretation of RLUIPA is at odds with the protection it was intended to provide.
Amicus Curiae in Hittle v. City of Stockton
Members of minority faiths routinely face discrimination in the workplace and often must rely on Title VII’s protection for their free exercise rights.