Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Dear Rashida Tlaib: There Never Was an Arab ‘Palestine’
Let us offer these Nakba Day wishes to Tlaib: As long as you and your cohort live, you never will take down Israel. Every year Israel gets stronger.

St. Louis Jewish Light: Yom Yerushalayim: A day of glory, gratitude and remembrance
Across the span of history, Jews have retained our connection to Zion, praying daily for our return to the land we left only at the point of a spear.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in the American Spectator: The Whole Thing Stinks — And Now the Trump Farce
They shamelessly would change every social convention for a quick fix that will destroy everything two centuries have crafted so excellently.

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer in The Times of Israel: Response to Steven Greenberg’s ‘Am I an abomination?
Greenberg’s blog post gaslights normative, traditional Torah values and seeks to create a new reality that is at odds with the Torah’s worldview.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in the Israel National News: If an Arab terrorist wants to starve to death, respect his wish
I never have understood force-feeding Arab murderers on hunger strikes. What? The government is afraid of what other countries will say?

Rabbi Yaakov Menken in the Israel National News: Exclusion via Inclusive Language
No one who values the unity of the Jewish people can vote for a resolution that requires violating Torah, because Torah cannot be negotiated.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Israel National News: The Halakhic State
Proud Jews yearn for the implementation of the Torah system. They do not dread it because they don’t believe in the Torah or properly understand it.

Rabbi Yonason Goldson in the St. Louis Jewish Light: Coalition for Jewish Values aims to be a voice for tradition in Missouri
CJV-MO seeks to bring to Missouri the same fight for the values of Jewish tradition that is CJV’s mission both nationally and worldwide.

Rabbi Moshe Parnes in Townhall: Passover, the Holiday of True Independence
He wanted Jews to remember their former enslavement not with embarrassment, but as a conduit to gratitude to their Redeemer.

Rabbi Yaakov Menken in Newsweek: Judaism’s Stance on Gender Is Clear, Despite Attempts To Rewrite Torah
Few things have been said about Judaism by its purported adherents that are more clearly untrue, reprised.