Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Rabbi Moshe Parnes in the Israel National News: Birth pangs of a nation
Let’s be honest, Israelis never cared much about democracy. What Israelis, and all Jews, have always deeply invested in, is ideology and identity.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in the Israel National News: What my previous pulpit taught me about judicial reform and sovereignty in Israel
The reforms and improvements will gain widespread popular acceptance soon enough, which is what the demagogues of the Left fear most.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Me and the Despicable Canines at Stanford Law
This week, law students at a “premium” university barked and yipped like dogs and disrupted a speech by an Article III judge, the Hon. Kyle Duncan.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Who Wants to Be Treated by an Affirmative Action Doctor?
Some people, even anti-Semites, go out of their way to get medically treated by Jewish doctors or legally represented by Jewish attorneys.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: Oscars-Schmoscars: Things That Bothered Me About You People
We live in a decayed society where very little remains sacred. Every idiot has to tweet innermost stories and post them on Facebook and YouTube.

Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer in Yated Ne’eman: The Nishma Research 2023 Profile of the U.S. Orthodox Jewish Community – Important Statistics and Takeaways
The more we become submerged in materialism, the more we distance ourselves from G-d, and our priorities become those of the secular street.

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The Ohio Star: Commentary: FBI Agents in Catholic Churches
When the FBI targets “traditionalist Catholics,” that is not “inappropriate” but, to use a favorite aphorism of the Left, it is the “Death of Democracy.”

Rabbi Dov Fischer in The American Spectator: 5 Black Cops and Walking — No, Running — in Memphis
Our society does Black Americans no favors by reacting to each of these tragedies by screaming “Racism!”

Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld in the Queens Jewish Link: Conventional Thinking
Perhaps the Modern Orthodox movement cannot find the means to reach and inspire its adherents. Perhaps, a message is missing.

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in JNS: Deep concerns about American Jewish leadership
American Jewish leaders profess to support a Jewish and democratic Israel. Yet they blithely oppose legislation that would make the State of Israel more Jewish and more democratic.