Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part Seven)
Part Seven: The phenomenon of the Jewish Un-Jew
Times of Israel: Sorry, liberal Jewish leaders – Judaism is not pro-abortion
The new anti-abortion law in Texas has now become the target not only of the Justice Department, but of non-Orthodox and pseudo-Orthodox Jewish clergy and lay leadership as well.
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part Five)
Part Five: What Jews Who Know Authentic Judaism Believe: The Oral Law and Written Law
Newsweek: Rosh Hashanah Is a Time To Renew Our American Covenant
On Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish people are judged for our actions. Demonization, distortion and suppression of opposing views lead to ruin. If we cannot improve as a nation as well as individuals, we will soon have to answer to ourselves.
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part Four)
Part Four: Non-Jews
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part Three)
Part Three: The Ethnicities
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 Ten-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part Two)
Part Two: The Orthodox
American Spectator: Rabbi Dov Fischer’s Definitive Year 5782 10-Part Guide for Understanding Jews (Part One)
There are only two ways to be a Jew.
The Federalist: Why It’s Time To Lay The ‘Two-State Solution’ To Rest For Good
Mideast pundits are once again advancing a ‘Two-State Solution,’ but for those on the front lines of Mideast reality, the idea is nothing more than an apparition.

Townhall: The Silence of the Squad
The Squad seems to display no interest in the oppression of Muslims, or anyone else, unless the United States—or Israel—can be blamed.