Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
The Great Gift of the Mueller Russian-Collusion Probe
If Mueller wasted all our time and so much of our money — because, at the end of the day, we suckers are the ones who pay the $25.2 million bill — he did leave behind one lasting contribution. He was the last echo of the boy who cried “wolf” one time too many.
Why Trump Backers Should Be Thrilled by the Battleground Polls and Especially by the Democrat Polls
Reality must be faced realistically. Polls do occasionally miss by a mile, and they often underestimate conservative strength, but they usually are somewhat useful in gauging trends and electoral prospects. Clearly, when a poll anticipates a winner within a margin of error, its value is less determinative than when it projects a wide margin. And yet the recent spate of national and battleground-state polls augur well for Trump, even where the numbers show Trump behind.
What the Mike Bloomberg candidacy really means
Bloomberg’s unexpectedly bleak prospects for nomination signal further radicalization of the Democratic Party. The party is now suddenly gifted with a silver platter, but it throws this godsend out in favor of a disposable, used cardboard tray, that would otherwise be put out for tomorrow’s garbage collection.
I Am the Anonymous Whistleblower
I prefer to keep my synagogue messages focused on spiritual, Torah-based themes, trying my hardest to avoid commenting from my shul pulpit on the secular garbage outside. Yet we Orthodox Jews, the fastest growing community of Jews in America, are deeply conservative. Pro-life. We oppose assisted suicide. We are people of deep faith. We live by the principle of personal responsibility. We recognize only two genders. We despise Communism and the socialist Left.
How Dumb Do They Think We Are?
Anyone who believes we arrived at impeachment due to facts has been hiding in a cave or is insane, regardless of political leanings. If this were about facts, impeachment would be nowhere on the horizon.
An Awakening At The Forward?
Given her experience with blatant Anti-Semitism couched as “Anti-Israel” protest, one might have expected Opinion Editor Batya Ungar-Sargon and her colleagues at The Forward to have had an awakening – to have finally recognized the true nature of anti-Israel activism and started vigorously defending the Jewish state from its enemies. Sadly, one would have been wrong.
The New Stalinism
Democrats set their target in 2016, immediately following the stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton by Donald Trump: Impeachment. The goal came first and the search for evidence came later. And this is where the comparison to Stalinism is not merely appropriate, but frightening in its precision.
The Greatness of Donald Trump
In balancing all that he comprises, we focused in November 2016 on greatness. Eight years of Obama — incompetence, weakness, economic malaise, societal decay — left us focused on restoring greatness. Thus, even Christian pastors, devout Catholic theologians, and Orthodox rabbis vigorously support Donald Trump. The free world’s last great hope is America, and she was in peril.
Am I the Only One Who Does Not Give a Rat’s Patoot Over the Ukraine Garbage?
It deeply concerns me that colleges today have departed from the academic ideal of teaching and exposing students to conflicting ideas so that fresh young minds can evolve with exciting antipodal thoughts to weigh for themselves, as they learn to think creatively and to weigh a thesis and antithesis to arrive at a synthesis of their own. Under the guise and fraud of “academic freedom,” professors with lifetime tenure force down their students’ throats their leftist mantras, their one-sided reading lists, their politically biased out-of-classroom assignments.
For God’s Sake, Stop Preaching Politics From The Pulpit!
Rabbis may feel good about themselves delivering political messages, and I’m sure many congregants passionately applaud. But what they don’t seem to realize is that they are essentially saying that anyone who doesn’t share their politics has no place in their congregation.