
Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Sonovogun! Our Guy Really Is Presidential

There was President Donald J. Trump earlier in the day in Buckingham Palace, then at Westminster Abbey, looking and acting extremely Presidential. Next thing I knew, he was at a State Dinner, walking up the aisle very elegantly and Presidentially alongside the Queen of England.

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Exposing the RINO Underground By Smoking Out the ‘Never Trumpers’ One-by-One

Sure, Mitt Romney reviles Trump, but at least Romney is conservative on several issues, even if he is the Father of Obamacare and soft on many other areas. But he is not against the entire Republican conservative agenda. But when it comes to Justin A Rash or this Ana Navarro, what in the world are they doing, walking around and filing their fingernails as “Republicans”? They do not stand for most anything that even the most moderate conservatives advocate.

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The Equality Act: A Direct Assault On Jewish Values

At its root, the bill declares the Torah to be a bigoted document and all those who follow it to be bigots. Why? Because the Torah says men and women are different, that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that certain relationships are pure while others are not. Attempting to remain true to these beliefs could be construed as discrimination under the Equality Act.

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‘Reform Rabbi’: The Ultimate Oxymoron

Let’s assume for a moment that he actually believes what he writes. Let’s even assume for the moment that what he writes is the truth. That is, there was no Creation, the Biblical narrative is untrue, the Exodus never happened, and the Torah was written by several different authors over time. Then why does he have a synagogue?

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Khaleesi — Oh, What a Beautiful Name!

“Oh my, what a beautiful baby!” People always say that, no matter how much a lie it is, no matter how much the baby looks like Aristotle Onassis on a bad day. Besides, most babies, in truth, look basically the same. Are they cute? Beautiful? They have no hair. They have no teeth.

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New Israeli elections would be great

My hope is based on a simple strategy that requires only sanity among the religious-nationalist community of Israel. I know that is asking a whole bunch. But here goes. We lost as many as six religious Zionist Knesset seats in the April election, seats for which the voters actually cast ballots that had to be flushed down the drain

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