Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
As Israel Goes to the Polls Next Tuesday
Part One — Understanding the Parties and the System. This article does not advocate but seeks to explain to the curious reader how democracy works in Israeli national elections: specifically explaining (i) the contending parties and (ii) the electoral system.
The Democrats Brazenly Know They Have Been Demanding Forbidden Disclosures and Unrealistic Deadlines
The Democrat deceit never seems to end. Now that the Mueller Investigation into the Russia Collusion Hoax has blown up in their faces, they are generating new lies, new hoaxes to revive the momentum they have lost.
When Justice Is Corrupted at the Top, a Society Becomes Corrupted Downstream
By now it is beyond doubt that, to some extent, we have a “two-tier” system of justice. It is otherwise inexplicable that Hillary Clinton has not yet been tried on felony charges for spoliating evidence — the bleached 33,000 emails, the smashed computer.
America Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights
Part of the Obama legacy was undertaking to destroy America’s unique relationship with Israel, dating to Israel’s founding in 1948, a friendship that always had been marked by bipartisan support.
Obstruction of Justice
Just as it is obvious that there was no Trump collusion with Russia and that I never was involved in a bank hold up, so it is obvious that President Trump did not “obstruct justice” during the Mueller Investigation into the Collusion That Never Happened.
It’s Not a Celebration
One would expect that every decent and patriotic American would be delighted to learn that the president of the United States did not collaborate with a foreign country anxious to gain hostile, strategic advantage. Yet Democrats are furiously crying that “this is not over”—that they will continue wasting the nation’s resources and impeding the normal function of government, in order to pursue an already-too-lengthy investigation that has proven nothing transpired.
With Mueller’s Report Submitted, We Now Enter the Phase of Democrats Cowardly Lyin’
The Cowardly Lion; there he is, clutching at his tail, and desperately fearfully proclaiming: “I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do. I do. I do. I do. I do believe in spooks. I do believe in spooks. I do. I do. I do. I do.” And that image is all I could think of, now that the Mueller Report finally has been submitted to the Attorney General of the United States.
On Climate Junk Science and the Utter Nonsense of Twelve Years to Destruction
The “science” on climate is not “settled.” Demagogues declare otherwise to silence open debate. Demagogues and fools. Al Gore, who has found in Climate Change the opportunity both to Prophet and to Profit, is both demagogue and fool. He went to an Ivy League college — guess how he got in — and did horrifically poorly in science.
The Real Islamophobia
It is truly embarrassing that Fox News responded to the complaint not merely by condemning the confused part of Pirro’s remarks, but by suspending her program. Omar faced no consequences for her repeated expressions of classic anti-Semitism; yet Pirro, for her off-hand offensive remark about Omar’s headscarf, was suspended.
Really, There Is Something About George Conway That Does Not Add Up
As overt anti-Jewish elements started emerging at that campus where my wife worked, I was tempted to write about it. I have tons of “street cred” there because, as noted above, I am an alumnus, and my three years there saw me win several awards and honors. But one thing always held me back from writing about that school: My wife was working there.