Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
Rabbis Weiss and Angel’s accusations against the Chief Rabbinate
The Makor Rishon Hebrew newspaper ran an article by the two US rabbis against Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. However, the Israeli public does not know enough about the Rabbinate’s relations with US Orthodoxy to judge the truth of the arguments presented. [This article was also published in Hebrew.]
Did You Ever Face a Real Judge?
Bringing the SCOTUS moment closer to reality — take me out to the High Court.
The Glory of Timely Leftist Overreach
They had one good week on MSNBC and CNN: They got to call all their enemies “Nazis” and “Gestapo,” and they got to compare lawful border enforcement to gassing children to death with Zyklon B.
How Crazy Are We?
Has President Trump at this time become so toxic that the Jewish community cannot bring itself to commend the president when he has over and over again stuck out his neck for us? It makes you wonder at times why he even bothers. All the good that he has done for Jews and Israel seems not to matter.
Affirming President Trump’s travel ban: Sanity prevails
Although the decision was narrow, the Supreme Court should be applauded for upholding President Trump’s travel ban.
Your Mother, Adolf Hitler, and the Closet
Now the rest of America knows what it’s like to be a terrorized and bullied college student where no conservatives need apply.
‘To Heal the World?’ The Tikkun Olam distortion
A recent book on Tikkun Olam Judaism is nothing short of a lethal indictment of the distortion of Judaism that has led to massive intermarriage and assimilation on the part of US Jewry.
Leaving the UN Human Wrongs Council
To the credit of President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and our UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley, the United States now is withdrawing from the UNHRC cesspool and taking a hike, leaving them to torture and butcher each other…and, during recess and play time, to pass resolutions condemning Israel.
WOW (Women of the Wall) Reveals Its True Colors
Many well-meaning people have asked: Are the aims of Women of the Wall (WoW) religious or political in nature? Does this group wish to simply pray after its own fashion or force change upon the rest of us? Recent events leave little room for doubt.
On Separating Children From Parents and Incarcerating Orphans for Life Without Parole
The Seedier Media are aflutter: “But Trump is meeting with a tyrant, a dictator. How can we countenance that?” Did it bother the same mainstream media when Obama cozied up to Hugo Chavez and danced the salsa with the Castro party?