Press Releases
CJV Missouri Launches with Rabbi Ze’ev Smason as Chairman
Missourians generally uphold traditional values, yet today are confronted with distortions of the authentic Jewish positions on life, gender, and even antisemitism. This new CJV state chapter will be a crucial voice in correcting the record.
Rabbis Commend ADL for Recent Statements
ADL’s actions over the past two weeks indicate not a new direction, but a bold move back to its original mission and purpose: fighting antisemitism.
Groundbreaking Shabbos Program Promotes Torah Principles in Medicine
Leftist Jewish activists have distorted true Torah teachings regarding life-affirming medical care, even defending destructive medical interventions.
CJV Welcomes Removal of Omar from Foreign Affairs
We are gratified that the House has finally removed Rep. Omar from House Foreign Affairs, a principled repudiation of her antisemitism.
Rabbinic Group Renews Call for Omar’s Expulsion from Foreign Affairs Committee
Removal of Omar from the Foreign Affairs committee is the only morally responsible choice for a Member of Congress who opposes racism, bigotry, and antisemitism.
2,000 Rabbis Decry Lawsuit Claiming Abortion to be a Jewish Value
To assert that access to an elective procedure is somehow a religious obligation is inherently irrational, defying all logic and reason.
Rabbis Welcome New Israeli Government
We applaud Israel’s shift from secular socialism to a greater emphasis on authentic Jewish values.
CJV Responds to 330 Rabbis Banning Religious Members of Knesset
The same people who virtue-signal their ’tolerance’ demonstrate that they are the least tolerant of all.
CJV to Present at SCOTUS Rally for 303 Creative
Rabbi Menken will speak about the threats to the Jewish community posed by government controlling speech, much less coercing speech.
Rabbinic Group Calls Upon Trump to Denounce Antisemitic Rhetoric from West and Fuentes
Trump should have condemned West’s antisemitism before the meeting, and repeated it during the meeting, so it is past due for him to speak out.