The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Restoring America’s Moral Foundation

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

To Mobilize, To Educate, To Advocate

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Representing over 2,500 traditional Rabbinic leaders in public policy

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Advocating for positions based upon traditional Jewish thought

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Restoring America’s Moral Foundation

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

To Mobilize, To Educate, To Advocate

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Representing over 2,500 traditional Rabbinic leaders in public policy

The Largest Rabbinic Public Policy Organization in America

Advocating for positions based upon traditional Jewish thought

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In the News

Rabbi Yaakov Menken in JNS: Nothing humanitarian about aid to Gaza

The billions of dollars that flowed into Gaza over the past two decades enabled the governing genocidal junta to solidify its control.

Human Rights

Donations to the CJV are tax-deductible within applicable limits for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. We are grateful for your support.

What We Do

The Coalition for Jewish Values advocates for classical Jewish ideas and standards in matters of American public policy.


To mobilize America’s Rabbis, who are overwhelmingly pro-values and conservative, to stand in defense of the Biblical ideals that formed America’s moral foundation.


To inform the public of authentic Jewish views drawn from traditional Jewish thought, and their direct applicability to current public policy.


To bring our views to the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court to influence policy choices, in support of core American values and their Biblical roots.

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