by CJV | Jan 19, 2022 | Coverage, Human Rights
There’s been a rise of anti-semitism in America and with the very sad and recent hostage situation in Texas, we are joined by Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of Coalition for Jewish Values, to discuss how anti-semitism has worked its way into culture,...
by CJV | Jan 19, 2022 | Coverage, Human Rights
In a week of media appearances, Rabbi Menken joined Dov Hikind and host Stephanie Hamill on “In Focus.” Rabbi Menken appeared on One America News Network to discuss the latest attack on American Jews amid continued Antisemitic incitement. Click...
by CJV | Dec 27, 2021 | Coverage, Human Rights
by Jonah Hoffman, The Post Millennial Over 2,000 rabbis signed a letter that called upon colleges to suspend their “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) programs because of their bias against Israel and promoting anti-Semitism. A study conducted by the...
by CJV | Dec 19, 2021 | Human Rights, Press Releases
Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, called today upon universities to abandon “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) efforts, pending a comprehensive review to ensure that such programs do...
by CJV | Dec 17, 2021 | Featured Coverage, Human Rights
by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon A group of more than 2,000 rabbis is calling on all American universities to suspend their “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) programs due to their overwhelming anti-Israel and anti-Semitic bias. The Coalition...