Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
The American Spectator: America’s Crime of the Century: Stealing Our Children’s Youthful Innocence
Being a kid used to mean baseball and sitcoms, not sex ed and woke math.
The American Spectator: Where, Oh Where, Have Biden’s Little Jews Gone?
Huge numbers of today’s “progressive” American Jews simply are not Jews under any traditional definition.
Yated Ne’eman: The New Pew Research Center Survey: The Good, The Bad and The Bad
While the focus on non-Orthodox Jewry elicited the most interest among Pew’s world-renowned researchers, the survey’s findings about the Orthodox community are certainly of great import to us.
The American Spectator: Left Whines for Its Favorites While Imposing Double Standard Against Committed Jews
Israel gets all the blame for Hamas’s aggression, and Jews across the world suffer for it.
The American Spectator: AOC: Anti-Semite of Color
Now we know what the letters “AOC” really stand for: Anti-Semite of Color.
The American Spectator: Black Lives Matter Sides With Hamas
They declare “solidarity with Palestinians” against “racism” and “white supremacy,” completely distorting the reality of the conflict in Israel.

The Federalist: Blaming Jews For Violence Against Jews Has An Appalling History The Squad Shouldn’t Seek To Repeat
As Israelis hide in bomb shelters for the crime of being Jews, Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib find new yet familiar ways to blame the victims.

Newsweek: The Big Tech Intifada
Twitter apparently believes a woman anxious to finish Hitler’s work is less dangerous than investigative journalist James O’Keefe, who was suspended from the platform last month.
The American Spectator: What Really Is Behind the Latest Burst of Hamas Terror in Israel
Israel cannot just dispatch an Uber or Lyft to the terror launch sites and unplug some wires from wall sockets. They have to extirpate the launchers, the rockets, and the terrorists determined to inflict unspeakable civilian tragedy against millions of Jewish civilians if unstopped.

Fox News: Rabbi Yaakov Menken: Biden’s address to Congress left anti-Semitism unaddressed. Why?
For Biden to spend so much time talking about racism and hate in America yet omit entirely the targets of multiple hate crimes sends its own message.