by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Jun 26, 2022 | Op-Eds, Family Values
What is celebrated as “Pride” Month should not be allowed to pass without injecting a small dose of reality into the bacchanalia. Despite the merriment, the relentless adoration of the media, the parades and the provocations, the conduct of the “Pride” community...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Dec 6, 2021 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Israel National News It is hard to conceive of a more repugnant editorial than the one published in Friday’s Jerusalem Post entitled “Wayward rabbis” (Apparently the title was deemed so negative that it was changed in the online editions.)...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Jul 24, 2021 | Op-Eds
By Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, Jerusalem Post A few years ago, when Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog first assumed the chairmanship of the Jewish Agency, he commented off-handedly that intermarriage among American Jews is mamash mageifah, a veritable plague. Chastised by...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Apr 5, 2021 | Op-Eds, Religious Liberty
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in Israel National News Is it time to take a stand? A British Court ruled last week against an actress who was fired from the production in which she appeared because the lexical archeologists found a comment from her Facebook page several...
by Rabbi Steven Pruzansky | Mar 5, 2021 | Op-Eds
by Rabbi Steven Pruzanksy, published in INN The Israeli High Court’s decision mandating the acceptance of non-Orthodox conversions in Israel as proof of Jewish status only for purposes of citizenship is not as momentous as it sounds. The original sin, so to speak, was...