Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.
The American Spectator: The Three Saddest Weeks in the Jewish Calendar — and Why Jerusalem Will Never Again Be Divided
These are things Joe Biden would not have known how to discuss in his meeting with Mahmoud Abbas.
The American Spectator: Abortion Sounds So Much More Soothing Than ‘Infanticide’
Do women have the right to say “Kill this emerging life inside of me, this other body that soon is destined to live completely independently of mine?”

The American Spectator: Some Reasons I Believe Firmly in G-d — and Core Aspects of My Faith
These are just a few considerations that inform my firm belief in G-d as Divine Creator.
The American Spectator: ‘Unorthodox’? Julia Haart’s Messed-Up Netflix Life Is Classic Reality-TV Drivel
An exhibitionist who renamed herself “Julia Haart” got Netflix to transmogrify her into a reality TV queen by “exposing” her oppression as an Orthodox Jew

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in Israel National News: A dose of reality on “Pride Month”
Name-calling, as always, is a poor substitute for reasoned argument, but it makes for good placards and sound bites.

‘Unorthodox’? Julia Haart’s Messed-Up Netflix Life Is Classic Reality-TV Drivel
Few of us covet what others have nor would trade ours with others. Every so often, it is helpful to “have a Haart” to remind us why.

The American Spectator: To Purgatory with Black Lives Matter and with Critical Race Theory
Where is the will in our land to challenge and resist tyranny’s encroachments?

The American Spectator: On Abortions and Understanding the Orthodox Jewish Sabbath — the Core Judaic Experience
The mainstream media races to quote the most leftist of “Jewish” organizations on abortion.

The Jerusalem Post: Halacha is not pro-choice
Orthodox Judaism views abortion as a strict prohibition that has some overriding exceptions.

The American Spectator: The Campus Wars Against the Jews
The academic campaign against Israel is Nazi-like. It is led by Arab Muslims, often backed by self-hating Jewish leftist stooges.