Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Newsweek: Jewish Progressives Are Dead Wrong About ‘Abortion Justice’
The sanctity of life and the importance of traditional morality both come directly from the Hebrew Bible.

Baltimore Jewish Times: The Torah is Unequivocally Pro-Life
We cannot minimize the inestimable value the Torah places upon all human life, including that of those as yet unborn.

EdSource: Controversial gender ideology in public education undermines families of faith
Sacramento and the local school boards must confer on parents the exclusive right to mentor their children on gender matters.

Times of Israel: When “Bigot” Is Projection
The bigots are those who condemn us for our beliefs. It is important to state this clearly, to repudiate the gaslighting to which we are being subjected.

Inside Sources: The Washington Post’s Despicable Orthodoxxing
Americans’ trust in media is at a near all-time low. If they want to dig themselves out of this ditch, outlets like The Post must begin acting like they deserve our trust.

Washington Examiner: Hollywood is using Orthodox Jews as a cudgel to bash all people of faith
Jews might be disproportionately represented in entertainment, but many of them are really just devotees of progressivism, which is hostile to the very principle of national sovereignty (including a Jewish homeland) and all that revealed religion entails.

Real Clear Religion: Permanent Daylight Saving Would Be Disastrous for Jewish Morning Prayer
Permanent DST would obstruct many Jewish practices and endanger children and others who must travel to school or work in the early morning hours.
The Times of Israel: Conversion Reform – The Pseudo-Orthodox Approach
No favor is being done for the Jewish People nor for prospective converts by introducing standards that will bring Jewish status into question.
Israel National News: The Green Goggles of Faith and Matan Kahana’s Conversion Proposals
Every legal system engenders cogent minority viewpoints from great scholars. But we do not light 8 candles the 1st night of Chanukah.

The Jerusalem Post: Amnesty’s International Report on Israel Doesn’t Matter
by Rabbi Dov Fischer, The Jerusalem Post Time has marched on, and the future of Judea and Samaria will not be determined by apartheid name-calling or even by the old issues on the table. In June 1967, the elementary school faculty gathered our entire Brooklyn yeshiva...