Op-Eds by our Officers and Fellows do not necessarily represent the views or focus issues of the CJV.

Rabbi Schonfeld in Queens Jewish Link: Trump Chump
Remember, former President Donald Trump has what many of his secular Jewish detractors do not have: Jewish grandchildren.

Rabbi Schonfeld in Queens Jewish Link: Apartheid Jews
I have family that came from Israel to a Conservative camp. They had to stop because they were not allowed to say anything too strongly pro-Israel

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky in the Jewish Press: Diaspora Blues
We should listen to the Diaspora voices respectfully, but theirs is not the last word on Israeli statecraft, governance, or policies.
The American Spectator: On Kanye West: Ehr Iz Meshiggeh
For me, Kanye West is a reminder that Jew-hatred is not the unique provenance of haters who are White.
American Spectator: I Should Advocate for Bisexuals? Are You Crazy?
Yeshiva University is fighting against the woke Left’s destruction of religious freedom.
Israel National News: What the letter “B” tells us about phony Woke “Compassion” and “Open Orthodoxy”
When people — especially “Open Orthodox rabbis” — sign a petition for “LGBTQ” people, focus on the “B.”

Israel National News: 1600 signatures do not kosher YU Pride Alliance
Signatures cannot override Torah prohibitions and in any event, 1600 out of 70,000 students and alumni is not an impressive result.
Israel National News: Torahphobia
Torahphobia is real, prevalent, and sweeping across significant parts of the Jewish world. We should reject the notion that support for traditional family values is somehow hateful.

Newsweek: The Gray Lady’s Yellow Journalism
The NYTimes crammed an array of old canards into one hit piece against Hasidic Jews, during a time of rising Antisemitism.
Yated Ne’eman: The New Proliferation of Female Pseudo-Orthodox “Rabbis” and More
Open Orthodox promotes female rabbis, radically changing the Orthodox landscape and its future leadership profile.